
Carmel School, Brambe Ranchi is an English medium co-ed school situated in Brambe village, was established in 2008 by Carmel Society at the request of the people and seeing the needs of rural and backward area with sole purpose of educating the children of the area regardless of religion and creed. Carmel Society is a registered charitable society having its headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The school is away from the hustle and bustle of the city with serene atmosphere which is indispensable for intellectual training.

It has a spacious campus beautifully built and maintained. Well equipped library, audio visuals and sciencs labs, the management intends to upgrade the school up to secondary level, so as to improve the quality of life of the people through education.

It aims at exemplary discipline , outstanding academic performance and excellence in co-curricular activities. It is manned by dedicated, competent and qualified teachers who create and foster overall growth of the students.


The school regards as its motto “ZEAL FOR WISDOM – VIGILANT IN SERVICE”. The school regards as its objective, to spread the love of God in the hearts of all people, irrespective of caste, creed and social status in the spirit of Carmel. To this purpose the school attempts to impart a holistic formation taking into account each child. Thus the school strives for a high academic standard and sound moral education.

The school provides admission for all categories of students. The school gives due importance children coming from economically backward class, by granting concession and transportation. In this institution the religious beliefs of all students are treated with respect and dignity.

In order to educate the whole person the school imparts to its pupils a sound moral, intellectual and physical education with a view to develop their talents and potentialities and prepare them to face challenges of life. The school is managed and governed by the Governing Body of Carmel Society, Brambe.