- Date: 05-04-23
- Venue: School Auditorium
- Time: 8:00 to 9:30 AM
The honourable Guests were Sr.Philomena(The Provincial Superior of Carmelite Missionaries), Sr.Santana and Dr.Sr.Shiny(The Councilor of Carmelite Missionaries). The Programme began with the prayer song. Sr.Philomena enlightened all the student with her beautiful speech. Sr.Manisha(The Principal of the School) felicitated them with shawls and flower bouquet.
The students of KG Section and class III & IV have performed very beautiful Nagpuri dance. Sr.Santana and Sr.Shiny also have given very beautiful speech for the students also they have expressed their deep sense of gratitude towards the dedication shown by the teachers. The Programme concluded with the Vote of Thanks by Sr.Rose.
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe
Carmel School Brambe